PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE This meeting is open to the public and will be held at 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida for the following purposes:
PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD HEARING ANY VALUE ADJUSTMENT PETITION NOT HEARD ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 09, 2024 WILL BE HEARD ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2024 BEGINNING AT 10:00 AM. These hearings will be held in the County Commission Chambers at 55 North Third Street, Macclenny, Florida. All meetings are open to all interested parties. In an effort to enhance fairness the VAB Board will hear and act on tax payors requests for relief regarding the assessed values on their real and tangible personal property. NOTICE UNDER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (TITLE II) In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the County of Baker will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in its services, programs, or activities. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service or activity of Baker County, should contact Sara Little at (904)259-3613 as soon as possible but no later than 5 business days before the scheduled event of meeting. This paragraph shall likewise apply to written requests by a physically handicapped person needing special accommodation to attend a public meeting in accordance with section 286.26, Florida Statutes. A copy of the County’s Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Title II) can be requested from the Board of County Commissioners at the telephone number listed above. The Clerk of the County and Circuit Courts is the Clerk to the VAB. The VAB as a panel considers and renders a decision on all appeal petitions relating to property assessments, classifications and exemptions. The VAB has no jurisdiction or control over taxes or tax rates established by taxing authorities. The VAB’s one and only function is to hear evidence as to whether or not properties, petitioned for their consideration, are appraised at their fair market value and determine if an agricultural classification or exemption should be approved. The VAB cannot change an appraised value for any other reason, such as inability to pay. Value Adjustment Board consists of 2 members of the Board of County Commissioners, 2 citizens, and 1 member of the School Board. How to File a PetitionPetitions contesting exemption or classification determinations can be filed as early as March 2nd. All petitions, including value petitions, must be filed within 25 days of the mailing of the TRIM notices, making the filing deadline in mid-September.
Value Adjustment Board2024 Organizational Meeting 2024 Hearings Begin 2024 Alternate Meeting Petition FormsFeesHomestead Exemption Denial: $0 ResourcesContactClerk of the Circuit Court Email: [email protected] Phone: 904.259.8113 |