Marriage Licenses

Baker County Clerk of Court does not require you to make an appointment to get a marriage license. We are accepting both citizens and non citizens of Baker County.

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Florida Statutes
Marriage License Search

Let’s Get Started

The process to obtain a marriage license is simple.

  • Begin by completing the Marriage Kiosk Form at home.
  • After completing the form online you will be given a number to provide the Clerk make sure to take note of this.
  • Both parties need to visit us at the office located at 339 East Macclenny Avenue, Macclenny FL 32063. Make sure both of you have the following:
    • Drivers License, State ID, or Passport
    • U.S. Citizens must provide their Social Security Number, non-citizens may providean Alien Registration Number issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service
    • Proof of age. Both parties must be at least 18 years old
    • Payment of $86.00 or $61.00 if you are a Florida resident and have completed premarital counseling
  • You will be provided with a marriage license
  • Get married!
  • After you are married you have 10 days to return the completed license to the office
  • The Clerk will record the completed license and return to you 2 certified copies
  • That’s it, you’re done.

Frequently Asked

Is there a waiting period?

Yes, Florida Statute 741.04(3) says the effective date shall be delayed 3 days from the date of application unless they provide a statement or a certificate of a premarital preparation course from a qualified provider registered with our office or both applicants are out of state residents.

How long is the Marriage License valid?

60 days from the date issued.

Do I have to apply in the county where I live?

No, you can obtain a license in any county in Florida regardless of which county you live in.

Who can perform marriage ceremonies?

  • All regularly ordained ministers of the gospel, elders in communion with a church, or other ordained clergy.
  • All Judicial Officers, including retired Judicial Officers, Clerks of the Circuit Court, and Notary Publics of this State.
  • “Quakers” and “Friends” may perform marriages in the manner and form used and practiced in their societies.

May a marriage be solemnized without a license?

No. Florida Statute 741.08 states in part that the party solemnizing the marriage shall require a properly issued license before performing the ceremony, and within 10 days after the ceremony, he shall make a certificate thereof the license and shall transmit the same to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from which it was issued.

Can I get married at the Clerks Office?

No, the Clerks Office no longer performs marriage ceremonies.